our club

Purpose of this document

Detail the purpose of this document under this heading...remove this text and write your document, making headings as may be necessary. Lastly, don’t forget to fill in the Appendix and Changelog.

Unordered List should look like this

Ordered List should look like this

  1. Item 1
  2. Item 2
    • Sub-item
  3. Item 3

-Page One

-Page two

Tables should look like this

Table heading 1 Table heading 2
Table Item Table Item


Created by : < contact email>

Date of creation: < month-name date, year :: eg. Feb 8th, 2022>

Last Modified: < month-name date, year :: eg. Feb 8th, 2022>

Version: 1.0.0

Change log

Change description Changes made by
Created the first version < contact email>
Created the second version < contact email>